Optics Masters has again expanded its floor space at our facility in Poway,CA.
“This gives us four times the floor space that we had eighteen months ago”
says Ken Hebert the Master Optician and General Manager at Optics Masters.
The most recent addition is dedicated to the expansion of our new QA department
which includes a newly built environmentally controlled inspection area.
This provides the space necessary to operate the recently acquired and certified
15 inch aperture Zygo interferometer. And further supports our capability to
manufacture and test larger diameter flats including transmissive and reflective optics.
Now we can manufacture and test flat optics up to 24" in diameter using materials made for
the UV to the IR. We have expertise in the manufacturing of silicon, germanium, zinc selenide
and sulfide, calcium and magnesium fluoride, fused silica and other optical materials.
Optics Masters and Infinite Optics are both ITAR and AECA compliant and are registered
with the “DDTC”. Optics Masters is a division of Infinite Optics Inc., which has extensive
capability to satisfy your thin film coating requirements.